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Ugly Baby Camping Skit 
This Skit is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | 3 campers 1 chair |
Script: | (One camper is sitting in a chair. He is holding a doll or pretend baby.)
Conductor: (offstage) All Abooooard!
(2nd camper walks up and does a double-take when he notices the baby) Man: Holy Cow! Lady, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen in my whole life! Mother: What! How dare you say such a thing! You should be ashamed of yourself. Man: I'm sorry, ma'am, but just look at him. Yuch! That is definitely a face only a mother could love. Sheesh! Mother: Oh, you beast! Conductor! Conductor! Come here!
(3rd camper comes running over) Conductor: Yes, ma'am? What's the trouble? Mother: This man is being rude and insulting and saying terrible things. Conductor: Sir, please move on to the next car and leave this woman alone. Man: Look, I'm sorry, but that thing is ugly! (He exits stage) Conductor: There you go, ma'am, he won't bother you any more. Mother: Well, I certainly hope not. This has been a most upsetting train ride so far. Conductor: Ma'am, this railroad does our best to keep all our passengers comfortable. Can I bring you a free drink from the hospitality car? Mother: Oh yes, that would be lovely. Conductor: While I'm there, I'll pick up a banana for that monkey of yours, too.