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Can't Get to Heaven Camping Song 
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Lyrics: | Oh, you can't get to Heaven in an old Ford car 'Cause an old Ford car won't get that far
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a ping pong ball 'Cause a ping pong ball is much too small
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a limousine 'Cause the Lord ain't got no gasoline
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a Sabre Jet 'Cause the Lord ain't got no runways yet
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a Girl Scout's arms 'Cause the Lord don't fall for those feminine charms
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a rocking chair 'Cause the Lord don't want no lazybones there
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a wicker chair 'Cause the Lord don't want no baskets there
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a biscuit tin 'Cause a biscuit tin's got biscuits in
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in an apple tree 'Cause an apple tree's got roots you see
Oh, you can't get to Heaven on roller skates You'd roll right by them Pearly Gates
You'll never get to heaven in your girlfriend's bra 'Cause your girlfriend's bra can't stretch that far
Oh, you can't get to Heaven on a Honda bike 'Cause you'll get halfway, then you'll have to hike
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in our row boat 'Cause our row boat won't even float.
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in dirty jeans 'Cause heaven's got no washing machines.
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a Kleenex box 'Cause God don't like no dirty snots.
Oh, you can't get to Heaven on a pair of skis You'll shuss right through St. Peter's knees.
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in our Leader's pants 'Cause his pants are full of ants
Oh, you can't get to Heaven on water skis 'Cause the angels don't like hairy knees
Oh, you can't get to Heaven with powder and paint 'Cause it makes you look like what you ain't
Oh, you can't get to Heaven in a strapless gown 'Cause that gown thing might fall right down
Oh I want to go to heaven, and I want to do it right So I'll go up to heaven all dressed in white
Oh one fine day, and it won't be long You'll look for me, and I'll be gone
And if you get to heaven before I do Just drill a hole and pull me through
But if I get to heaven before you do I'll drill a hole and spit on you
Well if I get to heaven, before you do I'll plug that hole, with shavings and glue
That's all there is, there is no more St. Peter said, as he shut the door
Oh there's one more thing I forgot to tell If you don't go to heaven, you'll go to...bed
And that's the end, St. Peter said As he closed the gates, And went to bed.