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Dem Bones Camping Song 
This Song is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
| The Tune: view video |
Lyrics: | Chorus: I know it, know it, Indeed I know it brother, I know it - HEY! Dem bones gonna rise again.
The lord he thought he'd make a man. (all sing DEM BONES GONNA RISE AGAIN! after each line) So he took a little water and a little sand. (all - DEM BONES GONNA RISE AGAIN) - Chorus
Thought he'd make a woman too. The Lord didn't know just what to do. - Chorus
Took a rib from Adam's side. For to make Miss Eve, his bride. - Chorus
Put 'em in a garden fine and fair. Told 'em to eat what they found there. - Chorus
Apples, peaches, plums and such. But of this tree you must not touch. - Chorus
One day Miss Eve was walking around Spied that tree all loaded down. - Chorus
Serpent crawling around that trunk. At miss Eve, his eye he wunk. - Chorus
Eve, she just took a little pull. Then she filled her fig leaf full. - Chorus
Adam, he just took a little bite. Said "um um woman that sure am nice." - Chorus
One day the Lord was walkin' around. Spied them peels all over the ground. - Chorus
The Lord cried out in his mighty voice. That shook the heavens to the joists. - Chorus
Cried, "Adam, Adam, Where art thou?" "Here I is Lord, I's comin' now." - Chorus
"Adam, Adam, did you eat these?" "No massa Lord, I 'spect it was Eve." - Chorus
Then the Lord rose up in his might wrath, Said, "Ya'll just beat it down the path." - Chorus
Put an angel at the door. Said, "Ya'll don't come 'round here no more." - Chorus
Eve took the needle, Adam took the plow. That's why we're all working now. - Chorus
To this tale there ain't no more. Eve ate the Apple, and Adam got the core. - Chorus