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Granny's In the Cellar Camping Song 
This Song is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Lyrics: | Granny's in the cellar. Oh Lordy can't ya smell her, Cooking Biscuits on that darn old greasy stove. In her eye there is some matter that keeps drippin' in the batter And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose.
Chorus: Down her nose, down her nose, And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose. In her eye there is some matter that keeps drippin' in the batter, And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose.
Granny's in the cellar. Oh Lordy can't ya smell her, Cooking Grits on that darn old greasy stove. On her belly, there's some zits that keep poppin' in the grits, And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose.
Chorus: Down her nose, down her nose, And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose. On her belly, there's some zits that keep poppin' in the grits, And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose.
Granny's in the cellar. Oh Lordy can't ya smell her, Cooking Crabs on that darn old greasy stove. On her elbow, there's some scabs that keep fallin' in the crabs, And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose. - Chorus
Granny's in the cellar. Oh Lordy can't ya smell her, Cooking Fries on that darn old greasy stove. On her belly there's a boil that keeps oozin' in the oil, And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose. - Chorus
Granny's in the cellar. Oh Lordy can't ya smell her, Cooking Rice on that darn old greasy stove. In her hair there is some lice that keep jumpin' in the rice, And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose. - Chorus
Granny's in the cellar. Oh Lordy can't ya smell her, Cooking Cobbler on that darn old greasy stove. Her glass eye is a wobbler and keeps fallin' in the cobbler, And she whistles while the [Sniff] drips down her nose. - Chorus