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I'm a Nut Camping Song 
| The Tune: |
Lyrics: | I'm a little coconut, Sitting under this here tree. Everybody steps on me, That is why I'm cracked you see.
Chorus: I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut, nut, nut-nut-nut.
Called myself on the telephone Just to see if I was home. Made a date for half past eight, Better hurry or I'll be late! - Chorus Took myself to the picture show Sat myself in the very last row Wrapped my arms around my waist Got so fresh I slapped my face! - Chorus Bought some roses at the store. Told myself I wanted more. That's why I broke up with me. Now I am a nut that's free! - Chorus
Gee, I miss me all the time. Wonder if I'm doing fine. Maybe I'll stop by to see If I have a chance with me. - Chorus
Coca-Cola went to town, Pepsi-Cola shot him down. Dr. Pepper fixed him up, Now we all drink 7-Up. - Chorus