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It Ain't Gonna Rain No More Camping Song 
Lyrics: | Chorus: Oh, it ain't gonna rain no more, no more It ain't gonna rain no more How in the heck can I wash around my neck if it ain't gonna rain no more
A bum sat by the sewer And by the sewer he died And at the coroners inquest They called it 'sewer side' - Chorus
A peanut sat on the railroad track It's heart was all a-flutter Along came the 4:15 Toot toot, peanut butter - Chorus
My father is a butcher My mother is a cook And I'm the little hot-dog With the candy that I took - Chorus
My father built a chimney He built it up so high He had to take it down each night To let the moon go by. - Chorus
My daddy is a doctor, My mommy is a nurse, And I'm the little needle That gets you where it hurts. - Chorus
Mary had a little lamb She kept it in a closet And every time she took it out It left a small deposit - Chorus
Mary had a little lamb, Her father shot it dead Oh, she still takes it off to school But on a slice of bread. - Chorus
Mary had a steamboat The steamboat had a bell. Mary went to heaven. The steamboat went to TOOT-TOOT! - Chorus
My uncle was a chemist. A chemist he is no more. For what he thought was H-2-O Was H-2-S-O-4 - Chorus
Peter was a rabbit A rabbit he is no more For what he thought was a rabbit hole Was a hole in the outhouse floor - Chorus
I never saw a purple cow I never hope to see one But I can tell you anyhow I'd rather see than be one. - Chorus
I never saw a chocolate cow I never hope to see one But judging by the milk we get There certainly must be one - Chorus