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Phone Call From the Grave Camping Story 
This Story has scary parts and is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Herman and Florence Hamsted were married when Herman was 18 and Florence was only 16. They loved each other dearly and lived a wonderful life together. As they aged, they only became closer and loved each other all the more. They were married for 80 years, when at 98 years old, Herman's body finally gave out and he died in his sleep. When Florence tried to wake him the next morning, she was heart-broken to find he was gone. She called her children and grandchildren to come home to bury Herman. Herman's body was prepared, the grave was dug in the cemetary, and the next day they buried Herman. Florence was very sad and that night was the first time in 80 years she had to go to bed all alone. Later that night, Florence woke with a start! Outside, there were flashes of lightning and cracks of thunder. She looked at the clock and it was 11:54pm. It was a quickly moving storm, and after about 5 minutes, it passed by and Florence began to fall back asleep. But, just then the phone rang - it was midnight. Florence answered it, 'Hello?' Florence heard a voice, 'Florence.' - it was Herman's voice! 'Florence, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I love you.' But, Herman was dead! This shocked Florence so terribly, she screamed, dropped the phone, and died! The next morning, her children came to check on her before they left for their own homes and they found her dead. Needless to say, this was a very sad day, but it is not uncommon for people that have lived their lives together to die at nearly the same time. So, the family prepared for one more burial that afternoon. As they proceeded with Florence's body to the cemetary to lay her next to Herman they saw the strangest thing... During the night, lightning had struck a telephone pole, knocking it down. And, the phone line was laying right on top of Herman's grave!