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Everyone is Significant Camping Inspiration 
Script: | One day in a high school Economics class, our teacher handed out a 10 question quiz. All the questions were true/false or multiple choice questions so it was a pretty easy quiz.
The last question was: 'Choose the first name of the person that cleans the school.' with 5 names listed. I had seen the janitor in the halls often. I figure he was about 60, probably 5ft. 9in., and wore glasses. Other than that, I didn't know anything about him, let alone his first name.
So, when I turned in my quiz, I asked the teacher if the last question was just a joke or what? He said the question was worth 10% of the quiz. I and a few other students voiced our opinion that it wasn't a fair question - how are we supposed to know the guy's name?
The teacher replied that in whatever careers we choose we will meet many, many people. Every one of them is significant. Each deserves your attention and care, no matter their position or how it benefits you. Even if it is just smiling and saying 'Hi' in passing. Recognizing someone's existence and worth as a fellow human is an important lesson to learn.