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Big and Strong Like You Camping Skit 
Notes: | The 'Hero' in this skit can be anyone your group recognizes as big and strong - football star, president, cubmaster, ... |
Script: | Arnold Schwarznegger (Hero) is standing center stage, hands on hips, looking like he is important and in charge. Scout: Mr. Schwarznegger, how can I become as big and strong as you? Arnold: Hmmm, let me see. OK, I will share a secret with you. Go home and rub oil on your head every day for one week. Scout: Wow, Thank you! (exits) Scout: (enters crouching down to be short) Arnold, Arnold, it didn't work! Now I'm even shorter than I was! Arnold: Hmmm, that's strange. Well, go home and rub oil on your head every day for 2 weeks. Scout: Well, OK (exits) Scout: (enters crouching as low as possible) Arnold, Arnold, look at me! I'm shorter than ever! Arnold: I don't understand. Did you do what I said? Scout: Yes! Arnold: What kind of oil did you rub on your head? Scout: Crisco Arnold: Crisco!?! That's not oil! That's SHORTENING!!! |