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Crossing the Tracks Camping Skit 
This Skit is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | 3 campers - old man and woman, stationmaster.
Preparation: | You could lay down two long ropes in parallel like train tracks, but not needed. |
Script: | Stationmaster is standing and waiting for something to do, maybe checking his watch.
An old woman and man slowly walk to center stage where they stop and both look to the left and then to the right. woman: George, go ask the stationmaster when the next train is coming from the North. man: (as if deaf) Eh? what's that? woman: Go ask the stationmaster when the next train is coming from the North! man: Alright! (walks across the imaginary tracks and up to the stationmaster) Sonny, when's the next train a-comin' from the North? stationmaster: At 1 o'clock, sir. man: Eh? stationmaster: 1 o'clock, sir! man: Oh, okay. (walks back to woman) man: At 1 o'clock. woman: Go ask him when the next train is coming from the South. man: (as if deaf) Eh? what's that? woman: Ask him when the next train is coming from the South! man: Alright! (walks across the imaginary tracks and up to the stationmaster) Sonny, when's the next train a-comin' from the South? stationmaster: 3 o'clock, sir. man: Eh? stationmaster: 3 o'clock, sir! man: Oh, okay. (walks back to woman) man: At 3 o'clock.
You can repeat for East and West if you want to drag it out longer.
woman: (looks at watch and thinks a minute) OK, George, I believe we can safely cross the tracks now then. (both walk slowly across, past the stationmaster, and offstage)