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Dumb Doctor Camping Skit 
This Skit is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | 2 campers chairs lined up to be a hospital bed or a tabletop. |
Script: | (doctor enters hospital room where man is laying on hospital bed, sleeping. doctor walks over close to man and looks at him and starts readying his imaginary status chart.) doctor: Hmmm, let's see. Mr. Smith. Hmmm, recovering nicely. Good progress! (man wakes up and starts grabbing his throat like he can't breath.) doctor: What is it? Do you need something to drink? (man shakes head No) doctor: Do you need medicine? (man shakes head No frantically) doctor: Are you having a heart attack? (man shakes head No. He acts like he is scribbling on a piece of paper.) doctor: You want a pencil and paper? (man nods head Yes) (doctor hands him paper and pencil. Man writes note with his last bit of strength and then falls back dead.) doctor: (reading note) You are standing on my oxygen hose! (doctor looks down at his shoes and takes a step back, then guiltily scurries offstage)