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No Fishing Camping Skit 
This Skit is meant for older campers. Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger campers or not.
Required: | 2 campers |
Script: | (one camper is sitting on the bank of a stream or lake, fishing the day away. The game warden walks up.)
Warden: Hey, there! Didn't you see this NO FISHING sign? (points to pretend sign) Fisherman: Why, yes sir, mister warden sir, I did. And, I am not fishing. Warden: What?!? You have a fishing pole with a worm on the end of the line. You ARE fishing! Fisherman: Oh, no sir! I'm teaching my pet worm to swim!
Warden: OK, then. What about this bucket of fish here. There's 3 nice ones swimming around in it. You must have caught them! I'm putting you under arrest! Fisherman: Oh, no sir! Those are my pet fish. I've trained them to come when I call them. Warden: No way! Fish aren't smart enough to do that. Fisherman: Here, I'll prove it if you want me to. Warden: OK, prove it. (fisherman picks up bucket and talks to fish.) Fisherman: Hey, Bubbles. Good fishy, Puddles. Awww, that's a good boy, Flipper. Now, I need you to show the nice officer how well trained you are. When I whistle, you all come back now, you hear? Good fish! OK, here we go... (pretends to toss the fish out of the bucket into the lake and sets down on the bucket.) (after a pause of 10 seconds, the Warden gets suspicious.) Warden: Well, go ahead and whistle for your fish. Fisherman: What fish?